New Braunfels Utilities Recognized as SMART Energy Provider
Contact: Pamela Quidley
Manager, Communications and External Affairs
830.312.7940 |
(New Braunfels, TX – October 26, 2021) – New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) has earned a Smart Energy Provider (SEP) designation from the American Public Power Association (APPA) for demonstrating a commitment to and proficiency in energy efficiency, distributed generation, and environmental initiatives that support the goal of providing safe, reliable, low-cost, and sustainable electric service. Matt Hein, Energy Services Manager of Cedar Falls Utilities in Cedar Falls, Iowa and chair of the Energy Innovation Committee, presented the designations on October 26, 2021 in Scottsdale, Arizona during APPA’s annual Customer Connections Conference.
The SEP designation, which lasts for two years (December 1, 2021 to November 30, 2023), recognizes public power utilities for demonstrating leading practices in four key disciplines: smart energy program structure; energy efficiency and distributed energy programs; environmental and sustainability initiatives; and customer experience. New Braunfels Utilities joins more than 90 public power utilities nationwide that hold the SEP designation.
“Utilities that earn the SEP designations are going the extra mile beyond providing electricity for their communities,” said Hein. “This designation celebrates utilities that are committed to serving their customers with leading smart energy programs and energy services. These communities should be proud that their utilities are focused on providing excellent service while planning for the future.”
“We are proud to be recognized as a utility at the forefront of smart energy best practices,” said Andrew Cummings, NBU’s Conservation and Customer Solutions Manager. “This SEP designation represents NBU’s dedication to offering programs that help customers save money, reduce our collective environmental impact, and support our community’s responsible energy use.”
About New Braunfels Utilities:
Dedicated to excellence in service, New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) was established in 1942 and is one of 2,000 community-owned, nonprofit public power electric utilities in the nation. The mission of NBU is to enhance the quality of our community by providing innovative, essential services. Governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of local residents appointed by the New Braunfels City Council, NBU is committed to being a recognized and trusted community partner, providing essential electric, water, and wastewater services. Utility revenue is invested back into the utility systems, which benefits the community. New Braunfels Utilities makes an annual transfer to the City of New Braunfels, which in turn helps to pay for services such as fire, police, and parks. Additionally, in 2016, NBU repurposed its former 16-acre warehouse site to become the Headwaters at the Comal, to serve as its conservation legacy, which will strengthen the relationship between the community and nature by showcasing the significance of the Comal Springs. Follow NBU on Facebook at, on Twitter at @nbutexas, and to learn more, visit
About American Public Power Association: The American Public Power Association (APPA) is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 49 million people in 2,000 towns and cities nationwide. APPA advocates and advises on electricity policy, technology, trends, training, and operations.