New Braunfels Will Remain in Stage 2 Drought Restrictions Though the Stage 3 Trigger Has Been Met
The ongoing June heatwave and minimal rainfall have resulted in a decline in the Edwards Aquifer levels. Today, the 10-day Edwards Aquifer level average is 637.2’, which is below the Stage 3 trigger of 640’.
In collaboration with New Braunfels Utilities (NBU), the City of New Braunfels Mayor, Neal Linnartz, has decided to stay in Stage 2 and closely monitor the drought situation. New Braunfels will remain in Stage 2 until further notice, and Stage 3 may be declared if conditions deteriorate.
“The decision to remain in Stage 2 did not come lightly and will align the New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) service territory with neighboring water utilities, like the San Antonio Water System. More importantly, NBU’s prudent planning and investments in water resources have given our community a diverse and resilient water supply portfolio,” said NBU Chief Operations Officer Ryan Kelso. Since the drought of 2011-2014, NBU has diversified its water resources and more than doubled the amount of water in our portfolio.
The New Braunfels City Ordinance, Section 130-224, states that water reduction measures may be based on the 10-day average of the J-17 Edwards Aquifer water levels or on the discharge level of the Comal Springs, NBU water supply or on aquifer water quality or other aquifer, potable water system capacity, or seasonal or weather conditions not based on water levels in J-17.
During Stage 2, watering is allowed one day a week. The schedule for the use of a sprinkler or irrigation system is based on the last digit of your address, as follows:
Addresses ending 0 or 1: Monday
Addresses ending 2 or 3: Tuesday
Addresses ending 4 or 5: Wednesday
Addresses ending 6 or 7: Thursday
Addresses ending 8 or 9: Friday
A hand-held hose, bucket, soaker hose, drip irrigation system, or soaker hose that does not spray water into the air would be allowed any day BEFORE 10:00 a.m. and AFTER 8:00 p.m. A sprinkler or irrigation system is not permitted on the weekends during Stages 1, 2, or 3.
Visit for a variety of tools and resources to help conserve water and electricity and save money on utility bills, including:
- Usage alerts to notify customers when their water and electric usage exceeds a set threshold
- A library of videos on conservation measures
- Bill consultations and consumption reports
- After-hours home energy and water assessments
- Utility Bill Calculator
- Irrigation timer tutorial videos
- Water and electric rebates for residents and businesses
New Braunfels Utilities will update the community on the water stage status via, Facebook @newbraunfelsutilities, and Twitter @nbutexas.
About New Braunfels Utilities:
New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) strives to be a trusted community partner dedicated to excellence in service and is one of 2,000 community-owned, nonprofit public power electric utilities in the nation. With a mission of strengthening our community by providing resilient essential services, NBU is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of residents appointed by the New Braunfels City Council. New Braunfels Utilities provides electric, water, and wastewater services. Utility revenues are continually invested back into the systems of the customers, which benefits the community. New Braunfels Utilities makes an annual transfer to the City of New Braunfels, which in turn helps to pay for services such as fire, police, and parks. Follow NBU on Facebook at, on Twitter at @nbutexas, and to learn more, visit