NBU’s Water Supply
Ensuring a Diverse Water Supply for Generations to Come
New Braunfels Utilities strives to be efficient stewards of our precious water resources so that we can continue to provide our community with reliable service, regardless of growth or drought. To help accomplish this goal and ensure adequate water supply for generations to come, NBU has established a diverse portfolio of water resources drawing from several sources in the region.

Water Supply – 2010 Through 2040
New Braunfels Utilities has a diverse water supply comprised of seven sources. While NBU has access to 50,000 Acre Feet (AF) per year of water supply, only 25,000 AF per year is deliverable, as of summer 2023. Three projects in the Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Improvement Plan will increase NBUโs deliverable supply by 21,000, up to 45,273 AF per year. By increasing NBUโs water supply, we will ensure continued regulatory compliance and a more resilient water system.
Water Supply Portfolio
Approximately 23,000 AF of new water supplies has been added in the past five years, nearly doubling the NBU’s water supply portfolio and has secured adequate water supply to take us well into the 2040 decade. With ongoing conservation efforts, the need for new water supplies could be extended even longer. One of NBUโs strategic goals is Stewardship. Our commitment to preserving and protecting community resources through planning, innovation, collaboration, and education is evidenced by providing innovative essential services through responsible management of the communityโs resources placed in our care. Together, we will work to protect and manage those resources for generations to come.

Drought Conditions and Water Restriction Stages
During a drought, less rainfall is available to bolster supplies and meet human needs. Through water conservation measures, such as limiting outdoor watering, NBU aims to reduce demand and preserve existing supplies. This helps ensure that adequate water is available through the full course of a drought.
Texas public water utilities are required by law to file drought contingency plans with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which lay out trigger levels for reducing demand through restrictions on water use. In conjunction with the City of New Braunfels, NBU created the Water Conservation and Drought Management Plan. This ordinance provides a blueprint for encouraging conservation and best managing our water supply during periods of drought caused by insufficient rains, warmer than usual temperatures, and increased demand for water supply.